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Saturday, November 10, 2018

How to Configuring the Raspberry Pi as an Oracle Java ME Embedded Development Platform?

Software Requirements:
1:Raspbian Wheezy image (2014-01-07-wheezy-raspbian or later. Scroll down until you see Raspbian. Do not install NOOBS.)
2:SD Association Formatter tool
3:Java JDK 8 (latest)
4:Oracle Java ME SDK 8 (only Windows supported)
5: Oracle Java ME Embedded 8 Raspberry Pi binary  (Version 8.1 Early Access)
6:NetBeans 8 or later (all versions)
7:Oracle Java ME SDK 8 Plugins for NetBeans
9:PuTTY Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) Client
10:PSFTP Client

Installation Process:
1: Install JDK 8 
2: Install NetBeans 
3: Install JAVA ME SDK 
4: Add Plugins (start Netbeans-> Tools->Plugins-> Downloaded-> Add Plugns... -> Select Plugins and install 
5:Add JAVA Platforms (Start NetBeans-> Tools-> JAVA Platforms -> Add Platforms->Select JAVA ME CLDC Platform Emulator-> Select JAVA_ME_Platform_SDK_8.2 from program files directory of C drive ->Tick Checkbox and Next->Finish
Creating a bootable Image for the Raspberry Pi
1: Formatting the SD Memory Card with the SD Formatter Tool (Insert the SD Card into computer using Card Reader-> Start the SD Formatter tool-> Click option ->select FULL(Overwrite) for format type and OM for format size adjustment and then click OK->click Format 
2: Start the Win32DiskImager Application ->Select Raspbian image file ->click Write->click Exit

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