The level of data access and its damage is different depending upon the type of attack. On the basis of capability, attacks are classified as follows:
a) Insider vs. Outsider Attacks:
The attacker nodes which participate and execute this type of attack are not the part of network but still authorize themselves to harm the network.
In insider attack, a node situated in the network is malicious. This surmises attacks from inside are generated by the network nodes rather than from outside nodes, and they are truly a part of the sensor system. These type of attacks are more dangerous than that of outside attacks as the insider knows critical and riddle information, and have all type of access rights.
b) Passive vs. Active Attacks:
In passive attacks, no interruption takes place in the actual communication. An attacker can monitor the traffic or access
the data without modifying it. Only the sensitive data is collected by the attacker. This exploits the confidentiality and privacy requirement. Interception, traffic monitoring and analysis are the examples of passive attacks.
In active attacks, attacker interrupts the actual communication by modifying the data. Attacker can add some faulty data in the actual data stream. It affects the performance of the network. Denial of service, impersonating, modification and message replay are examples of active attack.
c) Laptop-class Attacks vs. Mote-class
In a mote-class attacks, an attacker attack the few nodes having the same capabilities as that of the normal network node. The attackers have at least one authorized node in the sensor network to stole the key or code. Hence, it is also known as insider attack. Other type of attack is called laptop-class attack in which the attacker does not have any special access to the network. An attacker has the access to more effective and powerful devices having more battery power, powerful radio transmission, more capable CPU, sensitive antenna etc. These are also known as outsider attacks.