WSN is used in many applications from indoor to outdoor.
While transmitting information in the network it is important
to provide security. Security is considered to be the most
challenging task in WSN as its tough to keep a watch on the
sensor nodes/network every time.
Attack and attacker are the most
common terms used in the security. The attacker is the one who is
an unauthorized to access the data of the network or tries to
mislead the information. When an attacker accesses the
services of the network is known as attack.
WSN is designed in the form of layers. These layers
help to protect the sensor from various attacks.
Security in the Wireless Sensor Networks has various
difficulties, some common are: dynamically changing
topology, wireless communication among the sensor nodes,
infrastructure-less framework, and limited physical resources
like energy source, memory capacity and very low
communication bandwidth.
Data Confidentiality: In sensor network, data flows from
many intermediate nodes and chance of data leak is more].
To provide the data confidentiality, an encrypted data is used
so that only recipient decrypts the data to its original form.
Data Integrity: Data received by the receiver should not be
altered or modified is Data Integrity. Original data is changed
by intruder or due to harsh environment. The intruder may
change the data according to its need and sends this
new data to the receiver.
Data Authentication: It the procedure of confirmation that the
communicating node is the one that it claims to be. It is
important for receiver node to do verification that the data is
received from an authenticate node.
Data Availability: Data Availability means that the services
are available all the time even in case of some attacks such as
Denial of service.
Source Localization: For data transmission some applications
use location information of the sink node. It is important to
give security to the location information. Non-secured data can
be controlled by the malicious node by sending false signal
strengths or replaying signals.
Self-Organization: In WSN no fixed infrastructure
exists, hence, every node is independent having properties of
adaptation to the different situations and maintains self
organizing and self healing properties. This is a great challenge
for security in WSN.
Data Freshness: Data freshness means that each message
transmitted over the channel is new and fresh. It guarantees
that the old messages cannot be replayed by any node. This
can be solved by adding some time related counter to check the
freshness of the data.
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