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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interoperability in Internet of Things

Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system, whose interfaces are completely understood, to work with other products or systems, present or future, in either implementation or access, without any restrictions.
  1. Communicate meaningfully 
  2. Exchange data or services 

Why interoperability is important in Context of IoT?
  1. Physical objects can interact with any other physical objects and can share their information.
  2. Any device can communicate with other device anytime from anywhere.
  3. Machine to Machine, Device to Device , Device to Machine communication.
 Why Interoperability is required?
  1. Different OS:(For Sensor: TinyOS, SOS, Mabtus OS, RETOS etc. For PC: Windows, Mac, Linux etc)
  2. Different databases: DB2, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, SQL Server etc.
  3. Different data representations
  4. Syntactic or Semantic interpretations
Different Types of Interoperability?
  1. User Interoperability: Interoperability problem between a user and a device 
  2. Device Interoperability: Interoperability problem between two different devices


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