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Friday, November 15, 2019

IoT Questionnaire

123) What is a good approach to reduce the time in processing the data?
a. Analyzing data close to the data source
b. Analyzing data in cloud
c. Increasing number of nodes
d. Decreasing number of nodes

124) From the following devices, select the device/devices, which can act as a fog node.
a. Proximity sensor
b. GPS module
c. Micro SD card
d. Routers

to be a proper fog device, any device needs to have atleast upto layer-3 functionality (network layer). Only router is the possible solution here

125) Sensor-Cloud deals with
a. Sensor-for-Service
b. Sensor-as-a-Service
c. Sensor-in-Cloud
d. None of these

126) Why data volume is a problem in IoT-based cloud computing?
a. because data are encrypted and hard to analyze
b. because data coming from IoT devices are always in raw format and difficult to store
c. because the density of IoT devices is increasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data is growing very fast
d. because IoT device density is decreasing each day and in turn the volume of generated data are decreasing very fast

127) How does fog provide better privacy to industries and companies?
a. By providing the facility to store confidential data in their local servers
b. By providing more secure communication system
c. By providing a secured VPN network
d. All of the above

128) Among the following actors in sensor-cloud architecture, who is responsible for managing the infrastructure and deals with price?
a. End-users
b. Sensor owners
d. None of the above

129) What can be deemed as less time-sensitive data?
a. Data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
b. Data which should be analyzed within fraction of a second
c. Data which can be wait for hours, days, weeks
d. Data which can be wait for months

130) What is latency in fog computing?
a. Time taken by a data for processing in cloud
b. Time taken by a data for processing in nodes
c. Time taken by a data packet for a round trip
d. Time taken by a data packet to reach cloud

131) The concept of Sensor-Cloud is
a. based on simple storing the sensor data into cloud
b. based on the accumulating the sensor data from one application region and transmit these data to another region only
c. based on virtualization of sensor
d. None of the above options is correct

132) Which of the following statement is true in sensor- cloud?
a. End user procures sensors and lend these to sensor-cloud service provider
b. Sensor-cloud is based only on dumping the sensor data to the cloud
c. Single sensor nodes is shared dedicatedly with only one end user
d. None of these

133) Which of the following are versions of Openstack:
a. Juno
b. Liberty
c. Newton
d. All of the above

134) Which of the following is/are the advantages of Fog computing?
a. Reduce the latency during decision making
b. Data can be stored in local server
c. Fog nodes can be programmed according to the customer’s requirements
d. All the above

135) What are the main advantages of Cloud computing?
a. Elasticity
b. Pay per use
c. Self-service
d. All of these

136) What are the distinct advantages of virtualization?
a. Portability
b. Encapsulation
c. Resource sharing
d. All of these

137) Dynamic optimal pricing in sensor cloud aims to:
a. Maximize profit of SCSP
b. Maximize profit of sensor owner
c. Maximize End users’ satisfaction
d. All of these

138) Which of these connects cable-based networks with wireless networks for increased sharing of media, control and access and can share network media resources?
a. UPnP
c. LAN
d. WiFi

139) The amount of energy harvested depends on:
a. sensitivity of the harvesting circuit 
b. distance between the device and source 
c. environment 
d. All of these 

140) Which company first coined fog computing?
a. IBM
b. HP
c. Dell

141) Which of these is the most appropriate technology satisfying the following statement
"Provides transparent networking with support for zero configuration networking and automatic discovery of devices"?
a. UPnP
b. Zigbee
c. LAN
d. IP

142) Which of these is NOT a feature of VANETs?
a. High Dynamic Topology
b. High transmission and computation capability 
c. Stable connectivity 
d. Predictable mobility pattern

143) VPLN stands for:
a. Vehicular power line networks
b. Vehicular priority link networks
c. Vehicular power link networks
d. Vehicular priority line networks

144) Which of the following is a social and legal challenge of IoT in smart cities?
a. Services based on user provided information may be subject to local or international laws.
b. Individual and informed consent required for using humans as data sources.
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

145) Konnex (KNX) is:
a. an open standard for home and building networks.
b. Smart parking system
c. Smart energy system
d. None of these

146) In multi-sensor data fusion, which is true:
a. Combines information from multiple sensor sources.
b. Enhances the ability of decision making systems to include a multitude of variables prior to arriving at a decision.
c. Inferences drawn from multiple sensor type data is qualitatively superior to single sensor type data.
d. All of the above

147) The V2X paradigm is not restricted to a single source information provider.
a. true 
b. false 
c sometimes true, mostly false 
d. sometime false, mostly true 

148) UPnP stands for:
a. United Protocol and Plugs
b. Universal Protocol and Plugs
c. Universal Plug and Play
d. United Plug and Play

149) Which of these can be categorized as probability-based mathematical model for data fusion?
a. ANN
b. Machine learning 
c. Bayesian analysis 
d. Belief networks 

150) HAN architectures:
a. Uses XML for description and web-services for control.
b. Follows a Service-oriented Architecture (SOA).
c. Not tied to any software, language or architecture.
d. All of these

151) TCP/IP fails in V2X because:
a.  TCP/IP is designed mainly for handling information exchange between a single pair of entities. 
b. Information exchanges in TCP/IP are dependent on the location of data.
c. TCP/IP can only identify the addresses of endpoints, which alone is not useful for content distribution
d. All of these 

152) X-10 protocol is characterized by:
a. Low-speed and low data rate.
b. Low speed and high data rate
c. High speed and low data rate
d. High speed and high data rate

153) Net metering depends on –
a. Energy consumed by the consumers and energy generated by the grid
b. Energy consumed by the consumers and energy supplied back to the grid
c. Only energy consumed by the consumer
d. None of the above

154) IIoT is mainly focused on
a. Convenience of individuals
b. Efficiency, safety and security of operation and individuals.
c. Efficiency of the system.
d. Data security.

155) What is the key technology to enable V2V and V2R communication?
a. Short Range Communication
b. Dedicated Short Range Communication
c. Long Range Communication
d. Medium Range Communication

156) Smart grid enables –
a. Distributed energy management
b. Centralized energy management
c. Both distributed and centralized energy management
d. None of these

157) What are the risks associated with IIoT?
a. Lack of vision and leadership
b. Cheap sensors
c. Confident workforce
d. Both cheap sensors and confident workforce

158) MDMS is the context of smart grids stands for:
a. Meter data management system
b. Metric data measurement system
c. Metric data monitoring system
d. None of these

159) Traditional RDBMS unable to process –
a. Structured data
b. Unstructured data
c. Both structured and unstructured data
d. None of these

160) The smart grid is also termed as:
a. Electricity with a brain
b. The energy internet
c. The electronet
d. All of these

161) Traditional electric grids are associated with:
a. Energy generation is done in centralized power plants
b. Energy distribution is one directional – from the power plant to the homes or industries.
c. Uni‐directional communication
d. All of these

162) The major requirements of IIoT include
a. Smaller, less expensive sensors which makes them easily accessible.
b. Distributed control of assembly line, automated monitoring, control and maintenance.
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

163) Which of the following is not a property associated with power quality of smart grids:
a. Self‐Healing
b. Frequency Monitoring and Control
c. Load Forecasting
d. Asset Management

164) Home power generation is a term associated with:
a. Power generation system at consumers‐end
b. Rooftop solar electric systems
c. Small wind turbines
d. All of these

165) Zigbee is standardized under which of the following protocols?
a. IEEE 802.15.4 protocol
b. IEEE 802.16.4 protocol
c. IEEE 802.11a
d. IEEE 802.13.2

166) The typical data rate associated with EnOcean is?
a. 9600 bps
b. 3200 bps
c. 19200 bps
d. 1152300 bps

167) Connected vehicles are capable of:
a. Communicating with other devices within the vehicle
b. Communicating with other similar vehicles. 
c. Communicating with fixed infrastructure. 
d. All of these 

168) Which is true?
a. The statistical model is defined as the mathematical equation that are formulated in the form of relationships between variables.
b. A statistical model illustrates how a set of random variables is related to another set of random variables.
c. Both the above
d. None of these

169) Statistical significance is:
a. The likelihood that the difference in conversion rates between a given variation and the baseline is not due to random chance.
b. Reflects the risk tolerance and confidence level.
c. Has two key variables
d. All of these

170) Which privacy-aware scheme is used in Ambusens cloud framework.
a. Hashing and reverse hashing of patient physiological data
b. Patient identity masking by hashing-based mechanism
c. Hashing and reverse hashing of physiological sensor ID
d. All of the above

171) Statistical methods of activity recognition can work on:
a. Videos 
b. Images 
c. Scalar sensor data 
d. all of these 

172) Network-based activity recognition is:
a. Larger and processing intensive
b. Low power consumption
c. Dependent on network connection
d. All of these

173) IoT-based remote healthcare monitoring is typically most useful for:
a. people in urban areas
b. People without easy access to healthcare
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

174) In place activity recognition is:
a. On the device 
b. Power intensive 
c. No network connection required 
d.All of these 

175) Activity monitoring:
a. provides better quality of file 
b. provides informatin accurately in a reliable manner 
c. provides continuous monitoring support 
d. all of these 

176) The desirable characteristics of an IoT sensor node are
a. Energy-efficiency
b. Distributed sensing
c. Low-cost
d. All of the above

177) Which of the following can be the reasons for packet drop in IoT network?
a. Dense foliage
b. High temperature
c. Rain
d. All of the above

178) Wearables can be used for:
a. Child‐care
b. Elderly‐care
c. Entertainment
d. All of these

179) The types of ANOVA are:
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

180) Long term trend tracking and preventive care in IoT healthcare is possible due to
a. ability of smart devices to collect data autonomously
b. ubiquitous connectivity
c. smart algorithms and analytics
d. all of the above

181) Which communication protocol is used between sensor devices in Ambusens WBAN system
a. 3G
b. WLAN/Wi-fi
c. IEEE 802.15.4
d. IEEE 802.15.1

182) Passive and omnidirectional sensor is:
a. Temperature
b. Water-level
c. Soil moisture
d. All of the above

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